How do you Protein??

How do you Protein??

I can't stress how important protein is in your diet. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that 99% of you don't get enough protein daily!

What's enough? Roughly .5grams per 1lb of body weight. So a 200lb male should eat a MINIMUM of 100g of protein per day. *Keep in mind this can fluctuate depending on a person's specific goal so use this number as a general guide*

Now think about how you can get that much protein in a single day, every day of the week. Sounds expensive right?

This is were supplementation comes in handy, so it would be in your best interest to buy a quality whey protein powder. If we're talking about the same 200 lb male, I would tell him to shoot for 2 shakes a day! This should get you anywhere from 50-60g of protein total! *Keep in mind that this is a SUPPLEMENT to your diet. It is NOT recommended to only rely on supplements to reach daily goals.*

Now we can break up the last 50-40g into the meals we eat during the day. Below is an example of how a full day would look to get your protein in.

Breakfast - 3 Eggs and bacon (25g)

Protein Shake (25g)

Lunch - Chicken Breast and veggies (25g)

Protein Shake (25g)

Dinner - Grilled Sirloin Steak and sweet potatoes (30g)

The key here and with anything diet related is PREPARATION. If you don't have a plan, you will forget to food prep, thus causing you to rely on less healthier options that may be more convenient.

As always, I encourage you to Like/Comment/Share!

Stay hungry!

- J


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