Trouble maintaing energy levels throughout the day?
So your energy levels are low throughout the day and you find yourself reaching for an energy drink..or 4, just to get that temporary boost then find yourself crashing 30/60 mins later...😧
Perhaps you should try to incorporate these 5 easy items into your day and diet instead:
1)☕Black Coffee - When you need a quick pick-me-up, a little caffeine can go a long way. 0 Cals. Can't stand black coffee? Add a tsp of honey, splash of almond milk and cinnamon.
2) Edamame - Soybeans are high in energizing nutrients, particularly B-vitamins, copper and phosphorous.
Edamame delivers exercise-friendly carbs, fiber and protein for muscles. Throw a handfull in a ziplock to snack on.
3)💦WATER! Not Soda, not Juice..WATER! One of the most important determinants of your energy levels is hydration status.
Water is responsible for transporting all nutrients in the blood that we use for energy as well as getting rid of waste build-up that leads to fatigue. Drink minimum 3L/day.
4)🍳Eggs - Egg yolks are high in B-vitamins(aka energy). To cut back on saturated fat and excess calories, stick to 1 whole egg plus 2-3 egg whites for a lean energy-filled breakfast.
5) Trail Mix - Nuts and dried fruit are the ideal combination of healthy fats, fiber and protein. Refined carbs that do not have fiber quickly break down into glucose for short bursts of energy, fiber helps slow down glucose-release so there is always a steady supply. To avoid excess sugars and oils that can be added to many popular trail mixes, just make your own!
Did I miss anything you guys use that works really well?!
Hope this helps!